Addressing your symptoms holistically

In this video I speak about the body as a coherent whole, each part being linked to the central nervous system. Highlighting the fact that our body is the house in which we live ; that we are thus the central element that ties all the pieces together.  ‍‍‍‍‍‍ Symptoms being a sign that there is "tear" in our consciousness ; or in other words portals to deeper dimensions.  ‍‍‍‍‍‍ ...

How Yoga Therapy can Help you Address Feelings of Insecurity

In this video I share the deeper cause of our feelings of insecurity ; how although we may have an abundance of material and social resources, affection, beauty, etc. for as long as we don't have access to our own inner stability and natural energy, we will always feel threatened. And that through a therapeutic journey we can reclaim our power, thus addressing the root cause of the dis-ease. Enjoy ...

By |mercredi, 15 février 2023|English, Symptômes, Vidéos|

The Relationship Between Food and Desires : A Macrovision

What is the relationship between food and our desires? In this video you will receive a macrovision of how food has now become mostly a compensation, resulting from a disconnection from our innate power. Highlighting that the root of the issue is not food itself, but rather the fact that we no longer have access to our natural energy and vitality, thus even when our desires are seemingly met, we are not truly satisfied ...

By |vendredi, 10 février 2023|English, Philosophie, Vidéos|

Yoga Therapy for Feminine Health & the Menstrual Cycle

In this video I guide you through the supine butterfly posture which is an excellent posture to come in touch with your pelvis and address common disorders linked to the menstrual cycle : heaviness, cramps, irregularity, abundant flow, emotional and hormonal fluctuations, etc. I invite you to feel your bone structure - the biomechanical reality of your pelvis / womb - as well as to receive the deeper realms of ...

The Deeper Cause of Fatigue and Lack of Energy

In this video, I share about the deeper cause of fatigue ; how lack of energy is linked to blocking what lives inside us - to which degree it consumes our energy to put a break on our thoughts, desires, emotions, impulses, and instinctual sensations. That a therapeutic journey is about reclaiming the different powers, energies and aspects of our personality, allowing the deeper dimensions of our being to circulate ...

Yoga Therapy for the eyes : suppleness and regeneration

Through this video you will receive a gentle eye care ; extremely beneficial if you spend many hours in front of your computer or phone screens and experience symptoms such as eye strain, dryness or burning sensations. I’ll guide you through eye rotations to activate the blood flow, tone and lubricate the area, as well as massage and regenerate the eyeballs and the surrounding musculature. I wish you a beautiful ...

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